Monday, September 10, 2007

gabriel went grocery shopping

sundays are usually reserved for grocery shopping. yesterday, we all went to south supermarket and s&r in alabang. it was already 1030am when we left home and in less than half an hour, we were in the supermarket. dax wanted to try if gabriel would like to sit in the push cart. i brought his walkings with me just in case he wants to walk but it seems that he likes the moving pushcart a lot. he was shrieking and smiling. what we did was to give him whatever it is (that he can carry with his 2 small hands) that we'll be putting in the cart such as century tuna - flakes with lemon and butter. we also got him chuckie and some biscuits in animal shapes! i hope he likes them all. according to his pedia, we should start giving him more solids than milk. he might be more *payatot* though since he will need to adjust but he should lessen his milk intake.

after grocery shopping and a quick french baker lunch, we went to s&r which was just a few blocks away. i saw a mountain of stuffed toys and dax and i thought he'd like it. i was just worried he might grab each nose and start biting it (that's what he does with mickey and flabby and henry and all his other stuffed toys).

isn't he extra cute?

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