Pronunciation: 'kaunt-"daun
Function: noun: an audible backward counting in fixed units (as seconds) from an arbitrary starting number to mark the time remaining before an event; also : preparations carried on during such a count - count down /-'daun/ intransitive verb
after 48 years! im back. the past few months has been the busiest time of my life. got married january 7th this year, went to bacolod for yet another wedding reception, went to HK for the honeymoon, got a scratch from our dog, found out that i was pregnant after getting the shots because of the dog scratch, got hospitalized due to some pregnancy related issues, was advised to be on bed rest for almost 2 months, went back to work on weird schedules and now, counting days 'til i myCoco's first birthday with me, 'til i give birth, 'til Christmas, 'til New Year, 'til our first wedding anniversary.. and a lot more (i think i'm also counting the days 'til the anniversary of my dog scratch!).
hey, come visit my wedBlog @! i uploaded our album layout which we got after 8 months! pix are kinda small but you can see the faces anyhow.
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