Monday, May 19, 2008

my $38.88 (+ 7% tax) goPhone

i got the "Pay-As-You-Go" phone (aka goPhone) from AT&T at walmart earlier today. i really think it was a good buy - $38.88 + 7% tax. it also has a $10 load. the unit is pretty simple though but it's a flip samsung phone.. *pwede na din* now, i can:
  • text honeyCoco for $0.15 (but he should reply on my Globe number so I won't be charged %0.15 for his text and he won't pay for international SMS)

  • honeyCoco can call me whenever he wants and i will only be charged $0.10/minute - i think he'll be charged $0.40. whenever he calls me on my Globe number, it charges me P100 for every connection, charges me again for the actual minutes and charges dax as well.

  • call anyone here in the US using AT&T for $0.00 - unlimited
  • and of course, i now have a US number

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