mondays through fridays: telos
everyday: 20052 coltsfoot terrace
dax.honey.honeycoco.coco.danalex.patopig.mycoco.daddycoco babycoco.littlegabriel.babylove.babylogs.gabriel.mokito
i'll make sure that i'll go back to the cheesecake factory before i go back home. i hope i can bring home some blueberry cheescake for my mom - but i don't think it's possible. maybe a picture will do!
i wish i was home with them. i miss them a lot. anyways, it's just 4 weeks more and i'm goin' home!
that panoramic shot above was taken by me, but i asked alwyn to do the stitching. i don't have any software on my laptop to do it.
great falls park was ok. nothing really remarkable... and it was toooo hot. arrrghhh. we went to toys r us and marshalls afterwards. ooohh... i want to shop a lot for my little gabriel at toys r us! i need self control. i'll just come back when i'm like a week away from departure day.
happy father's day to myCoco! i've been telling almost everyone here at the apartment that dax is so funny. like earlier, he kept telling me to just use my credit card to buy the battery charger with rechargeable batteries i so badly needed for my camera. and then, he gave me some link - a Creative Xmod X-Fi Module (what the hell is this, i thought!) which he asked me to buy for him using my credit card. so, i didn't let the day pass without finding it for him anyways. and i was so happy that i got the last stock in best buy somewhere in leesburg. oh well, i tried it out a couple of minutes ago to check if it is working... whoaaaa! it is really good. it really works! haha. this one's for you:
Experience your MP3 music beyond studio quality
by the way, sorry for the picture quality - i only used my phone camera.
and happy father's day to myDad! i also got you something that you like!
well, everything is just at the minimum. i just made sure i got bigger hard disk space and 2G RAM (that's the max already). cost? $1,200.14 (tax included). nice? nice!
anyways, after a week, i think i've adjusted well already. our apartment is nice, i got my own room (until pattie arrives which is later) w/ my own bath. we've also got a van except for half of thursday and friday... and drivers (don, alwyn and noel)... and cooks (rene, alwyn & don). neat! a pool and jacuzzi is nearby - and yeah we can use it. we also got a gym which i won't be using even if i can. weather is comfortably nice... it's usually between 17C-23C for the past few days. not sure though when july comes - they say it's going to be hot. office is 5 minutes away by car and 15 minutes when we walk... and i got a laptop to use (i still ordered one with webcam so my little gabriel will see me everyday). everything is good, except that i don't have my family with me. maybe next time (if there is a next time).so far, here's what i did/i've been doing for the past few days:
that's it! that's my life... until i get back home!